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Dedicate Stories, Themes or Events

If you wish to dedicate a story, theme or event, complete the form below. This list is updated regularly.  If you wish to confirm availability of a particular passage or if you have other questions, please call Executive Director Aliza Goland at 805-497-7101.

Only one of each story, theme or event is offered for dedication.  Payments may be made over one to three years.

Enter the name by which you would like this dedication acknowledged i.e. "The Cohen Family" or "David and Carol Schwartz".

Enter the name and address of the person you would like to receive this acknowledgement. (Optional)

What message would you like to include? (Optional)

STEP 1.  Decide which passage you want to dedicate below.

STEP 2.  Use the "drop down" above to select your payment method.  

STEP 3.  Check the box for your choice below (near the bottom). 

STEP 4.  Click "submit" at the bottom.


After your submission, you will be contacted.

Thu, May 2 2024 24 Nisan 5784