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Dedicate a Name, Word or Letter

If you wish to dedicate an Name, Word, Letter or Letter by a Child, complete the form below.  If you have any questions, please call the temple office at 805-497-7101.

   $180 - Dedicate a name in our Torah
   $72 - Dedicate a word in our Torah
   $36 - Dedicate a letter in our Torah
   $18 - Dedicate a letter by a child

Choose how many of each Name, Word, Letter or Letter by a child you want to dedicate from our Torah. 

Please give the name of the person(s) who this gift is in Honor, Memory or Yarzheit of. 

Tell us what name, word or letter you wish to dedicate.  Please note, that when you scribe, you may not be able to scribe the specific name, word or letter you are dedicating. 

(gifts of $180 and above only)

Thu, May 2 2024 24 Nisan 5784